I think most Americans that think they know what poor people live like should visit a country that is poor. The Burmese do have hope now that they are somewhat freer but it will take many years. This morning we had fun taking a “local bus”. There were 14 people squashed inside and at least 12 hanging on the back and 5 in the front seat. The seat belt rule would be laughable.


20130115-205509.jpgOur really interesting stop was at the University which has not allowed visitors in over 20 years. They are trying to be more open and our guide got us in. Most students were sent to other schools many years ago so there would not be a large enough group for student dissent. Now almost all the students are working on graduate degrees, mainly foreign relations or business law. We went to where the students were having a mid morning break. We all picked a table and joined them, more fun. All spoke good english and were delighted to talk to us. I sure hope they can make it. In the past, even when they graduated there were no jobs, I don’t mean no jobs like we think of it, there are no jobs period, for anyone. Our guide has his graduate degree in physics and is guiding tours. They were do cute and took lot of photos of me, so I reciprocated.

20130115-211838.jpgWe went to the docks where they were unloading the boats, no cranes or machines here. We talked with a guy carrying the bags of rice and other products. He makes about $6 a day and the job will end on Sunday. He lives in the country in a lean-to with 3 other family members. He has no hope of anything better because he quit school and there are no jobs for him to do. Many eat on the docks at the street vendors. It’s too bad I can’t convey the sounds and smells in these photos.





  1. Karyn Sylak says:

    Wow….I can’t imagine living like that! Do they know how bad their lives are or is this just their “normal”?

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