Day 1, Stupid is as Stupid does..

I love to climb. Hills, steps, anything that goes up so on my day off in Edinburgh it seemed natural I should aim for this amazing castle on a high hill in the very center of the city. So off I went, it actually turned out to be not much of a climb but worth the small effort. Certainly not stupid.


20120824-155328.jpgSo I decided to climb Scotts Tower, worth the 300 steps for the great views of the old city. Easy, not stupid.

I had read about Holyrood Park and vaguely remembered something about a hill in the center that was worth the climb. Now this is where I hear Adrienne laughing when I tell you I didn’t really read much, didn’t have anything with me and actually had forgotten everything when I found myself at the park. I was looking at this small “mountain” wondering if this was the thing one would climb and thought it looked quite daunting when a “young couple” appeared and proceeded to scale which was a very steep climb. I watched them for a while, she was having a tough time but they were making progress. After thinking about the article saying it was worth the climb I started out after them. I could not stand and climb I was crawling and holding on to tall grass not to fall backwards. About a third of the way I realized I could never descend on that path so i had to keep going. The stupid word was emerging. About half way I was really worried when I stopped to rest and looked up and saw people walking on what had to be a path around the top. The word stupid was getting louder along with Adrienne’s laughter. Finally, dripping with sweat, filthy hands and knees I came to the top and literally fell on the path to the amazement of people strolling by. I then followed the path to the other side (the entrance) and down a gradual hill for about a mile.


After that I decided a beer and food was in order, not stupid.



  1. You are some slick chick. Going up those hills, were you alone or was your daughter behind you laughing.
    Loved Scotland but of course we were on a tour bus.

    • Adrienne is not on this trip with me. She is busy moving to PUnta Gorda so is Alex and Melissa and their two kids. They will all be there when I get home next mmonth.

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