Personally I like the name Rangoon better, these countries keep changing their names and their cities name and it takes the-romance out of visiting them. Yangon is a big city, ery poor by most any standards. Burma just opened to foreign travel a year ago and after being under military-socialist rule (our guide called it the nightmare years) it is going to take a long time to get up to speed but the people seem excited to do so. We spent today just walking around the city. It is truly like being in any poor third world coountry

20130115-131527.jpgIn the evening we went to one of the most amazing places Ive ever been, and I’ve been to some pretty spectacular places, the most sacred Buddhist site in Burma–the Shwedagon Pagoda, (google it)also known as the Golden Pagoda. It can be seen for miles, especially at night. I have no idea how big it is but it has to be acres of gold buddhas and temples. I like the photo with me and monk in the background, makes me feel really holy.


20130115-132456.jpgI love the letters of their language shown on their license plates and of course the always interesting signs.



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