Day 7, Spean Bridge

20120830-215518.jpgIf I had a van and carried my bike in it I would like to cushion the sides so my bike would not get scratched, I’d probably get some blankets or quilts that would work. Not our Harry. He drove his van with his bikes so he could ride with us a few days and this is how he cushions his bike.

20120830-215803.jpgOut in the middle of nowhere, yes you can email and it was working.

20120830-215856.jpgFor he kilt requests. This guy was so cute. He’s a college student and has been playing the bagpipes all his life. He’s on a world champion team and supports his college by doing shows like he did for us. Really an inspiration and we certainly know more about bagpipes then anyone dreamed possible.

20120830-220455.jpgThis is the required equipment to write a blog.


  1. Are you sure that Harry does not ride with Spongebob ?

  2. 90 degrees here in New York today … gorgeous and low humidity. Rode this morning and gave a quick thought to you all in the land of the kilt. You realize that’s why whisky was invented there. (NB UK spelling!) it was the only way to survive Scottish winters!! RSRO as Jim would say.

    • okay I’ve heard enough about spelling, I’ll spell it without the “e” for the next 4 days then I revert to how I’ve spelled it all my life.

  3. Glad to see Harry is still in character…graduated from fishes to Sponge Bob? I’m with Peter…Just in from a ride – 92 in NJ but a bit of a breeze and no rain…I’m sure you will enjoy your “Scotch” no matter how it is spelled. ‘Ello to Harry.

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